

The TexTable package provides an easy way for Julia users to quickly build well-formated and publication-ready ASCII and LaTeX tables from a variety of different data structures. It allows the user to easily build complex tables from small, modular components in an object oriented fashion, as well as providing some methods for easily constructing common tables from regression output.

TexTables.jl is designed for building all sorts of statistical tables in a very modular fashion and for quickly displaying them in the REPL or exporting them to LaTeX. It’s quite extensible, and probably the most important use cases will be for people who want to make their own custom tables, but it has implemented support for some basic regression tables, cross-tabulations, and summary statistics as proof-of-concept.


Currently TexTables will allow you to:

  1. Build multi-indexed tables programatically with a simple to use interface that allows for row and column groupings.

  2. Print them in the REPL as ASCII tables, or export them to LaTeX for easy inclusion

It also provides constructors and methods to

  1. Quickly construct regression tables from estimated models that adhere to the LinearModel API.

    1. Add customized model metadata (such as the type of estimator used, etc...)

    2. Group regression columns into subgroups using multicolumn headings

    3. Add significance stars to coefficient estimates.

    4. Use robust standard errors from CovarianceMatrices.jl or other packages.

  2. Construct several standard tables that may be useful in exploratory data analysis

    1. Summary tables

    2. Grouped summary tables.

    3. One-way frequency tbales.


TexTables is not yet registered, so it can be installed with the command
